
Daily report May/5/2022

05 May 2022

In the past 24 hours,

53 people were tested for the presence of coronavirus in the West Herzegovina County, of which one person was retested.

According to the results of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics of the University Clinical Hospital Mostar until 12:00 o’clock,

four newly infected people were registered for the presence of coronavirus, three from Posušje (one male and two female) and Široki Brijeg one male person.

Six people recovered from the presence of the coronavirus, four from Široki Brijeg and two from Grude.

There are 49 people in self-isolation.

In the area of the West Herzegovina County, 43 people were positive for the presence of coronavirus:

- Široki Brijeg - 18

- Ljubuški - 6

- Grude - 4

- Posušje - 15


Andrea Jurić 
MD epidemiologist

Daily report for WHC