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Andrea Jurić Europas CV bhs |
Head of Health Statistics Department, Social Medicine and Health Promotion
In 1998 I graduated Faculty of Health Studies in Zagreb, Department of Sanitary Engineers I have been working at the Institute of Public Health since the establishment of the Institute on September 1, 1999. At the Institute, I performed various tasks in the field of epidemiology, work ecology, health statistics, health promotion, and general, legal and financial affairs. My current position is the head of the Department of Health Statistics, Social Medicine and Health Promotion.
I am currently performing the following tasks at the Institute: Constant supervision over the implementation of mandatory vaccination, procurement, storage and distribution of vaccines in the County, Evaluation of the Vaccination Program, Continuous monitoring of the cold chain, Monitoring of post-vaccination reactions and complications, Procurement, storage and distribution of vaccines for seasonal flu in cooperation with the Health Insurance Institute of ZZH, Planning, preparation, procurement, storage and distribution of vaccines against COVID-19, I am currently appointed to the position of Focal Point for Logistics in the operational team for the implementation of vaccination in the West Herzegovina County against COVID-19, Keeping records of the sick, recovered, dead and hospitalized during the COVID-19 pandemic, Procurement of protective equipment and means for the work of health care institutions in the West Herzegovina County and its distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic, Implementation of rabies protection and rabies control in cooperation with veterinary clinics, Organizing continuous education of health workers, Participation in the implementation of the hygiene minimum course, Education of health trainees, Participation in the drafting of legal acts, as well as legal legislation in the field of public health.
I have participated in numerous professional seminars, workshops, courses, symposia and congresses.
KATICA PRALAS, graduated sanitary engineer
Sanitary engineer graduate, Health Statistics Department, Social Medicine and Health Promotion
In 2004, graduated on the Medical Polytechnic of Zagreb - majoring in sanitary engineering. In 2006, employed at the Public Health Institute of the West Herzegovina County - 2009 - 2010 - Acting Director of the Public Health Institute ZZH. Currently employed in the Health Statistics Department, Social Medicine and Health Promotion. Currently performing the following tasks at the Institute: Conducting health statistical surveys in the field of health, collection, processing and analysis of health statistical data in accordance with existing legislation, Preparation of annual reports on the implementation of statistical surveys in the field of health, Providing professional and methodological instructions to health professionals in the development of health statistical surveys in the field of health, Professional supervision in health care institutions over the management and submission of individual reporting forms, filling in and entering individual reporting forms in the public health register on diseases of greater socio-medical significance, Professional supervision in health care institutions over the management and submission of summary periodic reporting forms, Keeping records of reporting diseases or deaths of infectious diseases in the county, Keeping records of reports of tuberculosis patients in the county, submitting reports for the needs of the National Program for the Suppression and Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis (NTP) - Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance, Keeping records of patients with malignant diseases - Can Reg 4, in the county, I conduct training of employees to acquire basic knowledge about the hygiene of food and general use items, as well as personal hygiene of persons working in the production and trade of food and general use items, I participate in the training of health professionals on internships in accordance with the applicable regulations, Member of the team in the implementation of the project "Prevention and early detection for more effective treatment of colon cancer and breast cancer (ON TIME)", in the County in the period from June 1, 2020 - May 31 2022, I am a participant in numerous professional seminars, workshops and courses in the field of health.
Institute for public health of the County performs public health activities for the area of the County:
• proposes health care programs within the scope of its work;
• conducts health statistical surveys for the purpose of monitoring, assessing and analyzing the health status of the population, as well as the organization and operation of health care institutions for the county;
• monitors, evaluates and analyzes the health condition of the population, as well as the organization and work of health care institutions in the county;
• plans, organizes and implements activities for the promotion of health and health education of the population;
• participates in the planning, proposing and implementation of measures for the prevention, early detection and control of chronic mass diseases, including addiction;
• monitors, analyzes and assesses the impact of the environment and food on the health status of the population in the county, and proposes measures to improve the situation in the area;
• implements preventive health care measures in primary and secondary schools, as well as faculties for the county;
• coordinates, harmonizes and professionally connects the work of health institutions for the county;
• continuously implements measures of hygienic-epidemiological protection and supervision with epidemiological analysis of the situation in the county and implements against epidemic measures, and monitors the implementation of mandatory immunizations;
• distributes mandatory vaccines to health care institutions at the primary level of health care in the county,
• supervises the implementation of disinfection, disinsection and deratization measures, and implements preventive and anti-epidemic disinfection, disinsection and deratization procedures for the county;
• participates in the development and implementation of individual health care programs in emergency situations;
• professionally and methodologically supervises and directs the work of hygienic and epidemiological services in the county;
• cooperates with other health care institutions in the county, as well as with the competent local self-government bodies and other institutions and organizations important for the improvement of public health.
• conducts training of employees for the acquisition of basic knowledge about the hygiene of foodstuffs and items of general use, as well as the personal hygiene of persons working in the production and trade of foodstuffs and items of general use
• examines the health safety of drinking water, dialysis water, recreational water, surface and waste water, the state of water supply, and the health safety of food and items of general use; • implements disinfection, disinsection and deratization measures;
• proposes and implements activities on the improvement of the health safety system of production and trade of foodstuffs, water and objects of general use in order to reduce the risk of diseases and other harmful consequences for health,
• performs health supervision over germ carriers, employees and other persons in accordance with the regulations on the protection of the population from infectious diseases;
• gives an expert opinion on the justification of the establishment, expansion, change or termination of the health institution;
• deals with the publication of various forms of publications within the scope of its work;
• performs other tasks in accordance with the law.
The basic organizational units are:
1. General, Legal and Financial Affairs Service
2. Department of Microbiology, Epidemiology and work ecology;
3. Department of Health Statistics, Social Medicine and Health Promotion;