04 Travanj 2023

ON TIME Program

ON TIME Programme was created for implementation in all three countries with aim of giving recommendations for improvement of prevention, early detection and treatment of breast and colon cancer in the project areas.


ON TIME events according to ON TIME Programme - 8 promotional-educational events for rising awareness were held in each country

This was the community-based approach – accessing population in the places where they reside with the aim to increase access to health services and information.

There were eight promotional - educational events implemented at each country. 


Workshops for NGO representatives from Programme area

Institute for public health of West Herzegovina County organized 2 workshops for representatives of the non-governmental sector, doctors and representatives of public institutions named "The role of government organizations in the prevention and early detection of colon and breast cancer".


E- Health tool 

Previously developed e-health tool, as one of results from MELAdetect project, was upgraded in the way that users of the tool can enter data on performed and scheduled preventive examinations, which would make it easier for users to record and monitor preventive examinations such as ultrasound of the breast, mammography, colonoscopy, as well as all other examinations performed.


Professional development of health specialists from Project Partner institutions on oncology international conference and other forms of education and training systems

Professional development of health specialists from Project Partner institutions on oncology international conference and other forms of education and training systems.


Lifelong learning trainings for health specialists

Lifelong learning trainings for health specialists were organized by public health institutes in each country on the different educational subject. 


Procurement of equipment for health care institutions


Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for early detections of breast and colon cancer


Communication activities


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